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Некоммерческое партнерство содействия в защите интеллектуальных прав Интелл-Защита. Структура сайта защищена патентами РФ. Комплексная помощь авторам и правообладателям в защите интеллектуальных прав. Системная защита интеллектуальной собственности организаций и бизнес-проектов. Передовые технологии защиты технических решений и авторских произведений.
Agile IP Group - Patent and Trademark Attorneys in Ukraine, Russia, Eurasia About us. Agile IP Group is an international corporation that represents strategic alliance of IP Law Firms and independent patent attorneys from more than 25 countries. To serve the needs of our clients we tend to strengthen our presence in those countries, where we operate.
Welcome to Professional Trade Mark, Patent and Design Registration Company. Our Russian, Eurasian and Ukrainian patent attorneys and specialists are involved in all industrial spheres, especially in engineering, metallurgy, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, chemistry and biotechnology.
The Law Firm of Agris and von Natzmer, LLP. Based in NY, USA. Focuses on all aspects of intellecual property, in particular, patent drafting and prosecution, trademark prosecution as well as transactional matter and on alternative dispute resolution. Procurement of patents in the areas of biotechnology, chemistry, pharmacy and mechanics. Freedom to operate, validity and patentability opinions.
Intellectual Property Law Firm, concentrated on representing corporations and individuals to protect their intellectual property rights in Indonesia. We represent and service many international clients for their intellectual property matters in Indonesia including clients from Europe, U. , Canada, South America, Russia, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Hongkong, Australia and many Asia countries. Provides the highest quality service at a reasonable cost. Clients which entrust their IP matters to us.
One of the most professional Intellectual Property and Law Firms in Vietnam, member of APAA, INTA. We provide our clients with a full range of IP services. To protect their inventions, trademarks, industtrial designs and related matters not only in Vietnam, but also in Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar. We also provide our clients with legal advices on corporate and business law. We hope that you will find it useful .
CONSELHO REGIONAL DE ÉVORA DA ORDEM DOS ADVOGADOS E ARBITRARE CELEBRAM PROTOCOLO DE COOPERAÇÃO. ARBITRARE CELEBRA NOVE ANOS DE ATIVIDADE. Nova decisão arbitral em matéria de Nomes de Domínio, proferida em 12 de dezembro de 2017 pelo Tribunal Arbitral deste Centro de Arbitragem, está disponível para consulta.
Электронный каталог и видео-сюжеты Салона Архимед-2015. МГО ВОИР и клуб Архимед приглашают принять участие в 59-й Международной выставке техники и технических достижений в г. Итоги 18-го Московского международного Салона изобретений и инновационных технологий Архимед. В Москве проходит 18-й международный Салон изобретений и инновационных технологий Архимед-2015. Совместное заседание Комитета ТПП РФ по инвестиционной политике и Комитета ТПП РФ по выставочно-ярмарочной деятельности.
The Eurasian Patent Organization
Sergei Kudashov
2 M.Cherkassky per
Moscow, 109012
Blog des EA-PO du SATUC. Annuaire gratuit, voyage et shopping.
Estado y Privados juntos son potencia. La Unin Hace la Fuerza. La Unin Hace la Fuerza. Posted by Eduardo Poblete Baron at viernes, agosto 11, 2006. Nueva Actividad Económica en la Región. Posted by Eduardo Poblete Baron at sábado, diciembre 24, 2005. A mi modo de ver, esta profunda.
Το πρόγραμμα είναι portable, μπορείτε να το κουβαλάτε στο στικάκι σας έχοντας μαζί σας τις αποδείξεις. Εισαγωγή από excel and csv, Εξαγωγή σε excel, csv and html, Στατιστικά, Υπολογισμός Φόρου. Κυριακή, 18 Απριλίου 2010. Διόρθωση προβλήματος στην καταχώρηση απόδειξης με το παράθυρο που δεν έκλεινε.
The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe.
17 anos , different, shy and depressed.